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Transcranial photobiomodulation mitigates learning and memory impairments induced by hindlimb unloading in a mouse model of microgravity exposure by suppression of oxidative stress and neuroinflammation signaling pathways

Prolonged microgravity exposure causes cognitive impairment. Evidence shows that oxidative stress and neuroinflammation are involved in the causation. Here, we...
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Red LED light treatment promotes cognitive learning through up-regulation of trpm4 in zebrafish

Although light emitting diodes (LEDs) are widely used in our daily lives, there is little research regarding LED light's possible...
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Red/near-infrared irradiation therapy for treatment of central nervous system injuries and disorders

Irradiation in the red/near-infrared spectrum (R/NIR, 630-1000 nm) has been used to treat a wide range of clinical conditions, including...
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Effect of Infrared Low-Intensity Laser Irradiation on Lipid Peroxidation under Conditions of Experimental Circulatory Hypoxia of Visual Analyzer

The physiological stress modeled by circulatory hypoxia activates LPO processes in various tissues. In posthypoxic period, the infrared low-intensity laser...
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Alleviation of the Genotoxic Effect of Experimental Circulatory Brain Hypoxia in Rat Cornea under the Effect of Infrared Low-Level Laser Radiation

Experimental modeling of oxidative stress was conducted by creating circulatory brain hypoxia, accompanied by development of free radical processes leading...
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[Photobiomodulation Promotes Hippocampal Neurogenesis and Improves Cognitive Function and Anti-Inflammatory Injury in Rats With Chronic Cerebral Hypoperfusion]

Objective: To investigate the effect of photobiomodulation (PBM) on hippocampal neurogenesis, cognitive function, and inflammatory injury in rats with chronic cerebral...
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The effect of low-intensity laser radiation on rat brain capillaries]

The dose-dependent action of the low-intensive He-Ne laser on the capillaries of the temporal area of the brain which were...
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Effect of laser irradiation on adrenoreactivity of pial arterial vessels in rats

Abstract Experiments on WKY and SHR rats showed that low-intensity laser irradiation reduced the tone of pial arterial vessels thereby...
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The effects of transcranial LED therapy (TCLT) on cerebral blood flow in the elderly women

During aging processes, there is a range of functional changes, where we can highlight the disease related to the central...
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Transcranial laser stimulation improves human cerebral oxygenation

Background and objective: Transcranial laser stimulation of the brain with near-infrared light is a novel form of non-invasive photobiomodulation or low-level...
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Brain Photobiomodulation-Preliminary Results from Regional Cerebral Oximetry and Thermal Imaging

A new piece of equipment for LED (light emitting diode) brain photobiomodulation is introduced. Preliminary results from regional cerebral oxygen...
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Photobiomodulation Therapy in Mice with Chronic Cerebral Hypoperfusion Using Application-Specific Near-Infrared Light-Emitting Diode System

The effective delivery of light energy from the light source to the subject is essential for an increase of therapeutic...
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