Red LED light treatment promotes cognitive learning through up-regulation of trpm4 in zebrafish


Although light emitting diodes (LEDs) are widely used in our daily lives, there is little research regarding LED light's possible effects on biological functions. We used a zebrafish animal model to investigate the long-term effects of white, blue and red LED lights on cognitive learning and memory recall. Our data suggest that these treatments had not only an impact on learning but also surprisingly long-lasting effects, particularly with regard to individuals treated with red light. The qPCR results revealed that the expression levels of trpm4, trpa1b, grin2aa and dlg4 in the skin were increased after monochromatic light treatment. Furthermore, the up-regulation of trpm4 in the brain may correlate to enhanced learning and memory following red-light treatment. Our results identify a light-based stimulation system for enhancing zebrafish learning, which has the potential to provide important insights into the relationship between LED lighting and animal behaviour.

Keywords: Cognitive learning; LED lighting; Memory; Zebrafish; trpa1b; trpm4.