Transcranial photobiomodulation changes neuronal morphology in the cerebral cortex of rats


Transcranial photobiomodulation improves cerebral cortex metabolism. We hypothesized that chronic laser treatment may stimulate neuronal growth. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the morphology of neurons in the cerebral cortex of rats submitted to brief (2.5 min) daily sham or transcranial laser treatment (810 nm wavelength at 100 mW) for 58 consecutive days. Laser treatment increased the number of dendritic nodes and ends, and reduced the total dendritic length in neurons of the cerebral cortex. Taken together, our data indicate that chronic transcranial photobiomodulation induces morphological neuroplasticity in the cerebral cortex of rats.

Keywords: Cerebral cortex; Low level laser therapy; Neuronal morphology; Neuroplasticity; Photobiomodulation.