Mito Red Light Blog

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[Near-infrared light therapy ameliorates depression-induced intestinal dysfunction in rats possibly by activating PGC-1 α/Nrf2 signaling and increasing hippocampal BDNF expression]

Objective: To investigate the effect of near-infrared (NIR) light therapy on depression-induced intestinal dysfunction in rats and explore the possible mechanism....
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A Brief Review of Low-Level Light Therapy in Depression Disorder

Introduction: Low-level laser therapy (LLLT), also called Photobiomodulation, has gained widespread acceptance as a mainstream modality, particularly in the form of...
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Efficacy of transcranial photobiomodulation in the treatment for major depressive disorder: A TMS-EEG and pilot study

Background: Major depressive disorder (MDD) was a prevalent mental condition that may be accompanied by decreased excitability of left frontal pole...
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Changes in Brain Function and Structure After Self-Administered Home Photobiomodulation Treatment in a Concussion Case

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a common neurological disorder among athletes. Although there are no widely accepted treatments for TBI,...
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A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial Evaluating Transcranial Photobiomodulation as Treatment for Concussion

Introduction: Literature indicating that transcranial photobiomodulation (tPBM) may enable the brain to recover normal function after concussion, resulting in symptoms reduction,...
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Low-level light therapy improves cortical metabolic capacity and memory retention

Cerebral hypometabolism characterizes mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease. Low-level light therapy (LLLT) enhances the metabolic capacity of neurons in...
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Transcranial infrared laser stimulation produces beneficial cognitive and emotional effects in humans

This is the first controlled study demonstrating the beneficial effects of transcranial laser stimulation on cognitive and emotional functions in...
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Cognitive enhancement by transcranial laser stimulation and acute aerobic exercise

This is the first randomized, controlled study comparing the cognitive effects of transcranial laser stimulation and acute aerobic exercise on...
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Transcranial infrared laser stimulation improves rule-based, but not information-integration, category learning in humans

This is the first randomized, controlled study comparing the cognitive effects of transcranial laser stimulation on category learning tasks. Transcranial...
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Acute Effects of Near Infrared Light Therapy on Brain State in Healthy Subjects as Quantified by qEEG Measures

Objective: Recent investigation suggests that near infrared (NIR) light may improve symptoms from mild traumatic brain injury. In addition, quantitative electroencephalography...
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Beneficial neurocognitive effects of transcranial laser in older adults

Transcranial infrared laser stimulation (TILS) at 1064 nm, 250 mW/cm2 has been proven safe and effective for increasing neurocognitive functions in...
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Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Therapy Attenuates Neurotoxicity of Methanol-Induced Memory Impairment and Apoptosis in The Hippocampus

Background & objective: The adolescent brain has a higher vulnerability to alcoholinduced neurotoxicity, compared to adult's brain. Most studies have investigated...
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