Mito Red Light Blog

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Psychological benefits 2 and 4 weeks after a single treatment with near infrared light to the forehead: a pilot study of 10 patients with major depression and anxiety

Background: Many studies have reported beneficial effects from the application of near-infrared (NIR) light photobiomodulation (PBM) to the body, and one...
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Infrared radiation has potential antidepressant and anxiolytic effects in animal model of depression and anxiety

Background: Bright light therapy has been shown to have antidepressant and anxiolytic effects in humans. Objective: The antidepressant and anxiolytic effects of...
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Pulsed light irradiation improves behavioral outcome in a rat model of chronic mild stress

Background and objective: Transcranial laser therapy (TLT) has been used successfully for the treatment of stroke in animal models and clinical...
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Therapeutic effects of 10-HzPulsed wave lasers in rat depression model: A comparison between near-infrared and red wavelengths

Background and objective: The application of transcranial low-level light/laser therapy (tLLLT) in the range of red to near-infrared (NIR) spectrum for...
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Whole-Body Hyperthermia for the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Importance: Limitations of current antidepressants highlight the need to identify novel treatments for major depressive disorder. A prior open trial found...
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Low-Level Laser Irradiation Improves Depression-Like Behaviors in Mice

Major depressive disorder (MDD) is one of the leading forms of psychiatric disorders, characterized by aversion to mobility, neurotransmitter deficiency,...
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Transcranial Laser Stimulation as Neuroenhancement for Attention Bias Modification in Adults with Elevated Depression Symptoms

Background: Low-level light therapy (LLLT) with transcranial laser is a non-invasive form of neuroenhancement shown to regulate neuronal metabolism and cognition....
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Review of transcranial photobiomodulation for major depressive disorder: targeting brain metabolism, inflammation, oxidative stress, and neurogenesis

We examined the use of near-infrared and red radiation (photobiomodulation, PBM) for treating major depressive disorder (MDD). While still experimental,...
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The potential of transcranial photobiomodulation therapy for treatment of major depressive disorder

Major depressive disorder is a common debilitating mood disorder that affects quality of life. Prefrontal cortex abnormalities, an imbalance in...
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Multi-Watt Near-Infrared Phototherapy for the Treatment of Comorbid Depression: An Open-Label Single-Arm Study

Background: The treatment of depression has been hampered by low efficacy of antidepressant medications and safety concerns with alternative modalities. Recent...
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A case control series for the effect of photobiomodulation in patients with low back pain and concurrent depression

Background and aims: To present incidental findings in patients with low back pain (LBP) who received photobiomodulation (PBM) administered to the...
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Transcranial and systemic photobiomodulation for major depressive disorder: A systematic review of efficacy, tolerability and biological mechanisms

Background: Photobiomodulation (PBM) with red and near-infrared light (NIR) -also known as Low-Level Light Therapy-is a low risk, inexpensive treatment-based on...
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