Study of the NIR Light Induced Effects on Neuroblastoma N2A Cells with Parkinson's-Like Features

Parkinson's disease is an incurable neurodegenerative disorder associated with losses of dopaminergic neurones. The underlying causes of this loss are unknown, but photobiomodulation (PBM) with near-infrared (NIR) light may be a promising approach to slow down or even stop the neurodegenerative process. NIR has optimal penetration in biological tissues and can thus provide a minimally-invasive treatment. However, the mechanisms underlying the PBM effects, including an increase in ATP synthesis, modulation of reactive oxygen species, and induction of transcription factors are not fully understood. The aim of our study was to examine PBM effects on neuroblastoma N2A cells. We focused our study on the cell proliferation, mitochondria function and cell metabolism. We induced Parkinson's-like features in N2A cells by rotenone treatment. We then compared the PBM effects, induced by an illumination at 808 nm, in intact N2A cells, treated or not with rotenone. Overall, we observed a significant stimulation of cell proliferation in control and rotenone-treated cells after PBM. This effect was accompanied by an increased oxygen consumption rate by mitochondria and increased mitochondrial membrane potential. These effects are concomitant features of PBM, finally somehow stimulating cell proliferation. Our further experiments focus on the production of lactate, reactive oxygen species (ROS), and ATP by rotenone-treated and untreated N2A cells after irradiation at 808 nm to better understand PBM-triggered metabolic changes inducing an enhanced cells proliferation.