Phototherapy for age-related brain diseases: Challenges, successes and future


Brain diseases present a significant obstacle to both global health and economic progress, owing to their elusive pathogenesis and the limited effectiveness of pharmaceutical interventions. Phototherapy has emerged as a promising non-invasive therapeutic modality for addressing age-related brain disorders, including stroke, Alzheimer's disease (AD), and Parkinson's disease (PD), among others. This review examines the recent progressions in phototherapeutic interventions. Firstly, the article elucidates the various wavelengths of visible light that possess the capability to penetrate the skin and skull, as well as the pathways of light stimulation, encompassing the eyes, skin, veins, and skull. Secondly, it deliberates on the molecular mechanisms of visible light on photosensitive proteins, within the context of brain disorders and other molecular pathways of light modulation. Lastly, the practical application of phototherapy in diverse clinical neurological disorders is indicated. Additionally, this review presents novel approaches that combine phototherapy and pharmacological interventions. Moreover, it outlines the limitations of phototherapeutics and proposes innovative strategies to improve the treatment of cerebral disorders.

Keywords: Age-related brain diseases; Pharmaceutical interventions; Photosensitive protein; Phototherapy; Physical therapy.