Photostimulation of cerebral and peripheral lymphatic functions


The recently rediscovered meningeal lymphatic system (MLS) opens new insight into pathways of brain clearing and drainage functions that play an important role in neurorehabilitation. The development of breakthrough strategies for augmentation of MLS might be a promising therapeutic target for preventing of neurological diseases. Here we demonstrate photostimulation (PS, 1268 nm) of clearing and drainage function of MLS in healthy male mice. We uncover PS-mediated increase of the mesenteric lymphatic permeability to fluorescent macrophages via a decrease of expression of tight junction and transendothelial resistance. In sum, our results clearly show PS stimulation of meningeal clearing and drainage functions as well as effects of PS on permeability of the lymphatic endothelium to macrophages. These findings open new strategies for alternative nonpharmacological therapy of brain diseases via PS modulation of lymphatic mechanisms of the homeostasis of central nervous system.image


The recently rediscovered meningeal lymphatic system (MLS) of rodents,12 nonhuman primates and humans3 stimulated a reassessment of basic knowledge about cerebral clearing and drainage processes as well as about mechanisms of development of neurodegenerative diseases. However, the functions of MLVs remain unclear. Our group4-7 and others128 have recently shown that MLS plays an essential role in maintaining brain homeostasis by draining macromolecules from the brain into the cervical lymph nodes. There is pioneering data suggesting that a disruption of meningeal lymphatic vessels (MLVs) promotes amyloid-β deposition in the meninges.89 There is the hypothesis that an augmentation of the functions of MLS might be a promising therapeutic target for preventing or delaying Alzheimer's disease.8

The transcranial photobiomodulation (PBM) might be a promising method for stimulation of functions of MLS. The PBM known as low-level laser therapy was proposed more than 50 years ago.10 It is based on shining red lasers (600-700 nm) or near infrared light (760-1200 nm) onto the head via the intact scalp and skull. The light penetrates into the brain where it is absorbed by specific chromophores that stimulates the generation of adenosine triphosphate and nitric oxide with an increase in energetic and metabolic capacities of the brain tissues.10 A number of reviews have focused on the application of transcranial PBM for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease and depression,1112 traumatic brain injuries and stroke.13 The PBM can reduce Aβ-mediated hippocampal neurodegeneration, memory impairments in rodents, inhibits Aβ-induced brain cell apoptosis and causes a reduction in Aβ plaques in the cerebral cortex.14 In our recent pilot study on mice with the injected model of Alzheimer's disease, we have clearly demonstrated that 9 days course of transcranial PBM (1268 nm, 32 J/cm2) reduces beta-amyloid plaques in the brain that is associated with improving the memory and neurocognitive deficit.7 We assume that PBM-therapeutic effects on mice with Alzheimer's disease may be due to an increased lymphatic drainage and clearing functions. To test our hypothesis, in this study we analyzed the photostimulation (PS) effects on clearance of different tracers from the brain via MLS into the peripheral lymphatic system and on the mesenteric lymphatic permeability as a major driving factor for activation of lymphatic drainage.


2.1 Subjects

Experiments were performed in mongrel male mice (20-25 g, n = 250) in accordance with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals published by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH Publication No. 85-23, revised 1996), and the protocols were approved by the Institutional Review Boards of the Saratov State University (Protocol 7, 07.02.2017). The mice were housed at 25 ± 2°C, 55% humidity and 12:12 hours light-dark cycle. Food and water were given ad libitum.

2.2 PDT-mediated opening of the BBB4615

The mice were anesthetized by 2% isoflurane at 1 L/ min N2O/O2—70:30, and fixed in a stereotactic frame. The PDT was performed 30 minutes after an intravenous injection of 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA, ALASENS, Niopik Inc., Russia, 20 mg/kg). The epicranium was exposed by a parieto-occipital midline skin incision. With the use of a microsurgical technique, the periosteum was pushed back and biparietal parasagittal groove-shaped trephinations (2 × 2 mm) were performed with a microdrill (Craniotome Drill, Aesculap Inc, Pennsylvania) accompanied by a continuous irrigation with saline to prevent heating of the tissue. Special care was taken to avoid a penetration of the dura mater.

For irradiation, we used a high-power continuous-wave red LED (XPeBRD-L1-0000-00901, CREE, Inc., Durham, North Carolina) emitting up to 1 W output light power with maximum at 635 nm, with the possibility to control the emitted-light power density in the range of 20 to 200 mW/cm2 at a step of 10 mW/cm2, as measured on the tip surface of an 8-mm-diameter solid light-guide. The spectral width of the emitted light at full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the intensity was 30 nm. The murine brains were irradiated at a constant power density of 40 mW/cm2 and an exposure time of 375 seconds, thus achieving a light dose of 15 J/cm2. The heating of the brain tissue caused by exposure to light was monitored by using a thermocouple data logger (Pico Technology, USB TC-08, Cambridgeshire, UK). The temperature rise did not exceed 2°C above the basal brain temperature (28°C) for the irradiation dose chosen.

2.3 Assessment of the BBB permeability

To analyze the BBB permeability in cortical region of the brain to high molecular weight molecules, we used two methods: (a) a spectrofluorometric assay (SFA) of extravasation of the EB-albumin complex 68.5 kDa (EBAC) and (b) a confocal imaging of extravasation of TRITC-dextran 70 kDa (TRITCD).16-18

The mice were placed on a heating platform to maintain body temperature during all the steps of the experiments. Before and 1 hour after PDT, Evans Blue dye (EBD, 0.2 mL, 1% solution in 0.9% saline, Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis) was injected in the tail vein under anesthesia (2% isoflurane at 1 L/min N2O/O2-70:30) and circulated in the blood for 30 minutes in accordance with the recommended protocol.18 At the end of the circulation time, mice were killed by decapitation, their brains were quickly collected and placed on ice (no anti-coagulation was used during blood collection).

The detailed protocol of EBAC extraction and visualization was published by Wang et al.18 Prior the brain removal, the brain was perfused with 0.9% saline to wash out remaining dye in the cerebral vessels. The isolated brain was cut into small pieces and incubated with 0.9% saline (1:3) for 60 minutes to enable the soluble substances to dissolve. Then the solutions were centrifugated at 10 000g for 10 minutes to sediment the nondissolved parts. The supernatants that contained the plasma or the brain solutes were treated by 50% trichloroacetic acid—TCA (1:3), centrifugated again at 10 000g for 20 minutes to remove precipitated molecules. The final supernatants were incubated in 95% ethanol to increase the optical signals for the spectrofluorometric assay (620 nm/680 nm, Agilent Cary Eclipse, Agilent). The standard calibration curve was created and used for calculation of EBAC concentration (μg per g of tissues).

Before and 1 hour after PDT interventions, TRITCD was injected intravenously (4 mg/25 g mouse, 0.5% solution in 0.9% physiological saline, Sigma) and circulated 2 minutes. The mice then were decapitated and the brains were quickly removed and fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for 24 hours, cut into 50-μm thick slices on vibratome (Leica VT 1000S Microsystem, Germany) and analyzed by a confocal microscope TCS SP5 (Leica-microsystems, Germany). Approximately 8 to 12 slices per animal from the cortical and sub-cortical (excepting hypothalamus and choroid plexus where the BBB is leaky) regions were obtained and imaged.

2.4 Analysis of clearing functions of MLS

For confocal analysis of MLVs, we used the protocol for the immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis with the marker LYVE1 (eBioscience, San Diego), for labeling of the cerebral vessels we used goat anti-mouse NG2 antibody (Abcam, Cambridge, UK).

The tissue samples were fixed in 4% buffered paraformaldehyde for 2 days and in 30% sucrose for another day. The tissue samples on free-floating were evaluated using the standard method of simultaneously combined staining (Abcam Protocol). The samples were blocked in 10% BSA/0.2% Triton X-100/PBS for 2 hours, then incubated overnight at 40C with rabbit anti-LYVE1 (eBioscience, San Diego; 1:1000) and goat anti-mouse NG2 antibody (1:500; ab 50 009, Abcam, Cambridge, UK) followed by 2 hours at room temperature. After several rinses in PBS, the slides were incubated for 2 hours at room temperature with fluorescent-labeled secondary antibodies on 1% BSA/0.2% Triton X-100 /PBS (1:500; Goat A/Rb, Alexa 405-Abcam, UK, ab175652, Goat A/Ms, Alexa 555-Abcam, UK, ab150118). Confocal microscopy of the of MLVs of the mice was carried out using a confocal laser scanning microscope Leica SP5 (Leica, Germany). ImageJ was used for image data processing and analysis.

The experimental procedure was as follows: 1 hour after PDT (see protocol for PDT) FITCD was injected intravenously (1 mg/25 g mouse, 0.5% solution in 0.9% physiological saline, Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis) and allowed to circulate for 15 minutes. We selected 15 minutes that to have enough time for TRITC-dextran 70 kDa extravasation (usually it takes only 2 minutes) and for its removing from the brain parenchyma into MLVs. Afterward we analyzed the clearance of FITCD from the brain after its crossing of the opened BBB via MLVs using a confocal analysis.

For in vivo study of clearing function of MLS, we used the optical coherence tomography (OCT) monitoring of accumulation of gold nanorods (GNRs) in the left deep cervical lymph node (dcLN). The GNRs coated with thiolated polyethylene glycol (5 μL, the average diameter and length at 16 ± 3 nm and 92 ± 17 nm) were injected in the cisterna magna. Afterwards, the OCT imaging of dcLNs was performed during the next 1 hour for each mouse.

In this study we used a commercial spectral domain OCT Thorlabs GANYMEDE (central wavelength 930 nm, spectral band 150 nm). The LSM02 objective was used to provide a lateral resolution of about 13 μm within the depth of the field. A-scan rate of the OCT system was set to 30 kHz. Each B-scan consists of 2048 A-scans to ensure appropriate spatial sampling.

Since a lymph is optically transparent in a broad range of wavelengths, “empty” cavities exist in the resulting OCT image of the lymphatic node with a background signal-to-noise ratio inside. In order to visualize the dynamic accumulation of a lymph within these cavities, suspensions of GNRs were used as a contrast agent and the OCT signal of intensity being proportional to the GNRs concentration. By tracking the OCT signal temporal intensity changes inside a node's cavity, we could confirm the clearance pathways and calculate its relative speed. The OCT recordings were performed under anesthesia with ketamine (100 mg/kg, i.p.) and xylazine (10 mg/kg, i.p.).

2.5 PS effects on MLVs and on the mesenteric lymphatic vessels

To study the effects of PS (via the intact skull, the scalp was removed) on drainage function of MLVs, we analyzed clearance of GNRs from the cisterna magna using a fiber Bragg grating wavelength locked a high power laser diode (LD-1268-FBG-350, Innolume, Dortmund, Germany) emitting at 1268 nm. The laser diode was pigtailed with a single mode distal fiber ended by the collimation optics to provide a 5 mm beam diameter at the specimen. Three laser doses (2-5-9 J/cm2) were used. The choice of PS dose is determined by the results of our previous studies, where we showed that the PS-dose 32 J/cm2 is effective for stimulation of clearance of beta-amyloid from the mouse brain.7 The transmission analysis revealed that only 15% of the laser energy goes to the brain via the intact mouse skull (the scalp was removed), that is, 5 J/cm2. Therefore, were selected 5 J/cm2 as a medium PS dose for stimulation of MLVs and the mesenteric lymphatic permeability. Other PS doses (2 and 9 J/cm2) was selected arbitrarily as lower and higher doses. For PS mice with shaved head were fixed in stereotaxic frame and irradiated in the area of the frontal cortex using the sequence of: 17 minutes—irradiation, 5 minutes—pause during 61 minutes.

For PS (9 J/cm2) on the mesenteric lymphatics, the abdomen was opened through a midline incision and the mesentery was gently exteriorized under anesthesia with ketamine (Sigma Chemical Co, 40 mg/kg, i.v.). To eliminate motion artifacts, the mesentery was stabilized by placing it on a Perspex stage. The duration of the recovering process was at least 1 hour after surgical preparation until the mesenteric lymph flow was stabilized. The choice of the PS dose was due to our results obtained in the first step of the experiments, where we found that the PBM (9 J/cm2) more significantly stimulates clearing functions of MLVs than PS (2 and 5 J/cm2). To study in in vivo experiments the effect of PS (9 J/cm2) on the diameter and the lymph flow in the mesenteric lymphatic vessels, we used OCT.

2.6 Analysis of permeability of MLS to fluorescent macrophages

Under inhalation anesthesia (2% isoflurane, 70% N2O and 30% O2), mice were injected into the abdomen with Eagle medium supplemented with 5% heparin. After massage for 5 minutes, the abdominal liquid was removed through an incision in the peritoneum, the incision was sutured and the animals recovered. The cell suspension was centrifuged for 1000g for 10 minutes.

The pellet was resuspended in Hanks solution, the procedure was repeated three times and counted cells were taken. 1 × 106 peritoneal macrophages were incubated in DMEM +10% fetal bovine serum with the addition of 20 kDa Conjugate TRITC-dextran (0.5% solution in 0.9% physiological saline, Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis), 37 0C, 5% CO2 for 24 hours. The fluorescent macrophages were further centrifuged for 15 minutes at 3000g, resuspended in physiological saline and were administered intravenously to the same animals to avoid immune response.

Fluorescent macrophages filled by FITCD in the meninges were observed on a ZOE fluorescence microscope (Bio-Rad) and expressed as a percentage of the total number of cells was taken into account.

2.7 Determination of the transendothelial resistance

Direct measurement of the transendothelial electric potential (TEER) was performed with an EVOM2 epithelial voltmeter using stx2 electrode (World Precision Instruments).

2.8 Immunohistochemical analysis of expression of tight junction (TJ) proteins

Primary antibodies to VE-Cadherin (abcam, UK, ab205336); Claudin-5 (CLND, abcam, UK, ab111336); zonule-1 (ZO-1, abcam, UK, ab190085) were used to register target molecules in lymphatic endothelial cells. Primary antibodies were used in a working dilution of 1:300. The incubation time was 18 hours at 4°C. Secondary antibodies were used in breeding 1:500 (donkey goat with Alexa 594 (abcam, UK, ab150132); donkey rabbit with Alexa 488 (abcam, UK, ab150073)—incubation time 2 hours at a temperature of 37°C. The quantitative study of expression of TJ proteins was carried out with the program ImageJ vl.43 using confocal photographic images (Leica TCS SP 5; Leica Microsystems Inc., Germany).

2.9 Statistical analysis

The results were reported as a mean value ± SE of the mean (SEM). Differences from the initial level in the same group were evaluated by the Wilcoxon test. Intergroup differences were evaluated using the Mann-Whitney test and the ANOVA-2 (post hoc analysis with the Duncan's rank test). The significance levels were set at P < .05 for all analyses.


3.1 Photostimulation of clearing function of the cerebral lymphatics

In the first step, we analyzed the effects of PS on meningeal clearing and drainage function in experiments ex vivo and in vivo. Using confocal imaging and a model of PDT-mediated opening of the BBB, we demonstrate the clearance of TRITC from the brain tissues via MLS.

Figure 1A-II illustrates TRITCD leakage that is determined as the fluorescent cloud (arrowed) around the cerebral capillaries. There is no TRITCD extravasation in the normal state (Figure 1A-I). The quantitative study of the BBB permeability using SFA revealed significant increase in the level of EBAC in the brain tissues after PDT-opening of the BBB (9.1 ± 0.8 μg/g vs 0.11 ± 0.5 μg/g, P < .001). Thus, both methods confirm the effective opening of the BBB by PDT.

Details are in the caption following the image
The study of the clearing function of MLS: A, The confocal imaging of the normal brain vessels filled TRITD (red) (I) and after PDT-induced opening of the BBB (II, TRITCD leakage arrowed); B, The confocal imaging of clearance of FITCD (green) via MLVs (blue): I—MLVs marked by Lyve-1, II—FITCD filled MLV and the cerebral vessel; III—the cerebral vessel marked by NG2, IV—the image merged from I-III; C, The clearance of FITCD via the lymphatic system: I—the schema illustrating clearance of FITCD via MLVs into dcLN after its crossing the opened BBB, II—The anatomical position of dcLN, III—fluorescent imaging of FITCD accumulation in dcLN after its crossing of the opened BBB; D, The OCT monitoring of GNRs clearance from the cisterna magna and its accumulation in dcLNs after PS-2-5-9 J/cm2; E, The fluorescent imaging of EBD clearance from the cisterna magna and its accumulation in dcLN before and after 9 J/cm2. For D and E, n = 10 for each group; *P < .05 vs the control group (without PS); +P < .05 groups received different PS doses

In the second step, we studied the scenario of clearance of tracer (FITCD) after its crossing of the opened BBB (Figure 2I-IV). The half of hour after PDT-opening of the BBB and intravenous injection of FITCD, the brain meninges and dcLNs were collected for confocal and fluorescent analysis, respectively. Figure 1B clearly shows the presence of FITCD (green) in MLVs that is also observed in the cerebral vessel due it its intravenous injection. Since the lymphatic vessels are opened, FITCD after its crossing of the opened BBB removes from the brain tissues via MLVs that can explains the presence of tracer in MLVs that is not typical for the normal state because the BBB is intact. The mice with the opened BBB but not the intact ones, demonstrate a fluorescent signal from FITCD in dcLNs indicating a connective bridge between MLS and the peripheral lymphatic network that is discussed in our recent review5 (Figure 1C, I-III). Thus, this series of experiments suggests fast clearance of FITCD after its crossing the opened BBB from the brain via MLS into dcLNs.

Details are in the caption following the image
PS effects on the mesenteric lymphatic permeability: A, Schema demonstrates the PS-mediated relaxation and an increase in permeability to macrophages of the mesenteric lymphatic vessel; B, Changes in diameter and speed of lymph flow after PS 9 J/cm2; C, OCT monitoring of permeability of the mesenteric endothelium to macrophages before (I and II) and after PS 9 J/cm2 (III and IV); D, Confocal analysis of expression of TJ proteins after PS-9 J/cm2; E, Confocal analysis of MLVs to fluorescent macrophages; F, TEER changes before and after PS 9 J/cm2. n = 10 for each group, P < .05 vs the control group (without PS) and between groups received different PS doses

Based on these data, we further studied the effects of PS on the stimulation of meningeal lymphatic drainage function in vivo experiments. Using OCT and SFA, we analyzed the accumulation of tracers (GNRs/OCT and EBD/SFA) in dcLNs after its injection into the cisterna magna without and with PS in different laser doses (2-5-9 J/m2 on the surface of the brain). The results revealed that only PS-dose 9 J/m2 was effective for a stimulation of drainage function of the cerebral lymphatics. Indeed, OCT data illustrate a gradual increase over 1 hour in the speed of accumulation of GNRs in dcLN in the group received PS-9 J/cm2 vs the control group and the experimental groups received PS-2 J/cm2 and 5 J/cm2 (Figure 1D). The SFA uncovered the weak fluorescent signal from EBD in dcLN 1 hour after the dye injection into the cisterna magna in untreated mice that was significantly increased by PS-9 J/cm2 but not by PS-2 J/cm2 and 5 J/cm2 (Figure 1E).

3.2 Photostimulation of permeability of lymphatic endothelium

Here we studied the mechanisms underlying PS-effects on the lymphatic endothelium using PS-9 J/cm2. Figure 2Aschematically illustrates the PS-induced relaxation of the mesenteric lymphatic vessels. The PS stimulation a dilation of mesenteric lymphatic vessels is associated with the fall of the lymph flow (Figure 2B). The OCT data presented in Figure 1Cdemonstrate the changes in the behavior of the fluorescent macrophages (green color), which are observed inside of the lymphatic vessels before PS and along and behind the lymphatic endothelium after PS. The confocal data confirmed the PS-induced increase in permeability of the lymphatic endothelium to macrophages (Figure 2C).

The possible mechanisms underlying the PS-induced migration of macrophages from the lymphatic vessels into surrounding tissues might be a decrease in TEER and an expression of TJ proteins, such as CLND, VE-Cadherin and ZO-1 (Figure 2D-F). Thus, this series of experiments revealed the stimulation effects of PS on the lymphatic permeability to macrophages via modulation of expression of an assembly of TJ proteins.

In sum, our findings uncover that MLS plays an important role in clearing of tracers, which crossed the opened BBB. Indeed, the confocal data demonstrate the clearance of FITCD via MLVs after PDT-mediated opening of the BBB. The SFA shows the presence of FITCD in dcLN in mice with PDT-opened BBB compared with intact mice. These results indicate on the lymphatic pathway of clearance of FTICD after the opening of BBB that is an important mechanism underlying the brain recovery after injuries of the BBB functions.5 The crucial role of MLS in the clearance of macromolecules and toxins from the brain has been shown in our4-7 and other128 experimental studies.

There is the hypothesis that an augmentation of the clearing function of MLS might be a promising therapeutic target for a therapy of brain diseases, in particular, for preventing Alzheimer disease.78 Indeed, in our recent study we demonstrated PS (1267 nm, 32 J/cm2 on the skull and 4 J/cm2 on the brain surface) stimulation of clearance of beta-amyloid from the brain that was associated with an improving neurological and cognitive status of mice with Alzheimer disease.7

Here we study the PS-mediated stimulation of the lymphatic clearance of tracers, which crossed the opened BBB. The OCT and fluorescent microscopy data demonstrate that the clearance of GNRs and EBD is more pronounced after PS vs the untreated group with the effective PS dose 9 J/cm2 (on the brain surface). Using the PS doses (2 J/cm2 and 5 J/cm2 on the brain surface), we did not find any differences between the PS-group and the untreated group using OCT and fluorescent microscopy. Thus, these results indicate stimulation effects of only PS 9 J/cm2 on the clearing and drainage function of MLS.

To better understand mechanisms underlying the PS influences on the lymphatic vessels, we studied the effects of PS 9 J/cm2 on the lymphatic permeability to immune cells such as macrophages. In our experiments we used fluorescent macrophages, which were obtained and further removed to the same mice. Our data demonstrate that PS induces relaxation of the mesenteric lymphatic vessels that is associated with an increase in permeability of the lymphatic endothelium to macrophages. These findings clearly confirm PS-mediated immunostimulatory effects. Both experimental and clinical studies have shown that PDT trigger adaptive immune reactions.19 The PDT induces an acute inflammatory response, which is the protective mechanism resulting to remove toxins, bacteria, viruses, or damaged cells, to promote local healing and restoration of normal tissues functions.20 Regarding PDT-treatment of tumor, PDT induces a nonspecific immune response leading to dramatic changes in the tumor vasculature via a photooxidative damage of the vascular endothelium.20 Therefore, vessels become leaky and permeable for proteins and immune cells such as neutrophils and macrophages. The PDT generates a high level of neutrophilic infiltration and memory CG8+ T cells responses, that is, PDT induces immune memory effects.2122

In our experiments on the mesenteric lymphatic vessels we show that a decrease in TEER and in the expression of TJ proteins such as CLDN, VE-Cadherin and ZO-1 might be a possible mechanism underlying a PS-mediated increase in the lymphatic permeability. The TJ proteins are structural compounds of mature lymphatic vessels and play an important role in moving interstitial fluid and immune cells through the lymphatic endothelium.23 The lymphatic permeability is actively regulated by several signaling pathways, among which nitric oxide (NO) was more detailed studied.24 NO is a vasodilator that acts via stimulation of soluble guanylate cyclase to form cyclic-GMP (cGMP), which activates protein kinase G causing the opening of calcium-activated potassium channels and re-uptake of Ca 2+. The decrease in the concentration of Ca2+ prevents myosin light-chain kinase from phosphorylating the myosin molecule, leading to a relaxation of the lymphatic vessels.25 There are several other mechanisms by which NO could induce lymphatic dilation: (a) the activation of the iron-regulatory factor in macrophages,26 (b) the modulation of proteins such as ribonucleotide reductase27 and aconitase28; the stimulation of the ADP-ribosylation of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase29 and protein-sulfhydryl-group nitrosylation.30

We assume that a PS-mediated increasing of the relaxation of lymphatic vessels and associated with this enhancement of permeability of lymphatic endothelium can be a possible mechanism explaining PS-stimulation of the lymphatic clearance of molecules from the brain (GNRs and EBD). In our recent review, we discussed the important role of MLVs in regenerative mechanisms of the brain and that stimulation of lymphatic drainage and clearance will contribute the progress in an effective therapy of neurological diseases such as stroke, brain trauma, neurodegenerative diseases and glioblastoma.5 The PS-mediated stimulation of cerebral clearance and drainage might be a promising tool in an augmentation of the function of the cerebral lymphatic system and nonpharmacological therapy of brain pathologies.


Our experimental study on healthy male mice demonstrates the trigger PS effects on the lymphatic permeability to macrophages and on the lymphatic clearing functions. The decrease in TEER and in the expression of TJ proteins is the mechanism underlying in an increasing of the permeability of lymphatic endothelium that is important for moving molecules through the lymphatic vessels lumen and that explains PS stimulation of lymphatic drainage and clearance. These data open new strategies for noninvasive therapy of brain diseases. The PS-stimulation of lymphatic clearance might be promising tool in development of new strategies in therapy of Alzheimer's disease due to stimulation of clearance of beta-amyloid via MLVs, which first was proposed by Kipnis's group8 and later it was clearly presented in our work.7 The PS-stimulation of lymphatic clearance of beta-amyloid is accompanied by improving of memory and neurocognitive functions of mice with Alzheimer's disease. The stimulation of lymphatic clearance of blood products from the brain after intracranial hemorrhages will contribute an increase of neurodegenerative abilities of the brain because the blood is toxic for the neurons and fast clearance of blood from the brain is a main strategy for prevention of serious consequences after intracranial hemorrhages. In our preliminary data we demonstrate that MLVs are pathway of clearance of blood from the brain after intracranial hemorrhages in mice.31 The brain edema associated with accumulation of extensive fluids in perivascular or pericellular spaces is a major reason of fatal increase in intracranial pressure leading death of patients with gliomas.32 The PS-stimulation of lymphatic drainage can be breakthrough technology for preventing and treatment of difficult to treat brain edema. These technologies can be easily combined with such new diagnostic/imaging methods as near-infra red spectroscopy for the noninvasive assessment of cerebral fluid dynamics33; transcranial optical imaging34; dynamic light scattering—laser speckle imaging approach.35


We thank the laboratory of nanobiotechnology and the center for collective use “Symbiosis” IBPPM RAS for support in data acquisition (synthesis of GNRs, spectrofluorometric assay and confocal imaging) in the framework of Research Project no. АААА-А17-117102740097-1. This collaborative work was supported in the frames of Russian Science Foundation project № 17-15-01263 (the idea and the design of study, OCT monitoring of GNRs clearance from the brain), № 18-75-10 033—OCT analysis of PS effects on permeability of the mesenteric lymphatics) and from № 18-15-00172 (analysis of FITC-dextran clearance from the brain).


    The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest related to this article.


    O.S.-G. and J.K. designed the study and wrote the manuscript. V.T., A.A., M.K. and A.D. performed the OCT monitoring of GNRs clearance and accumulation in dcLNs. A.S., A.T. and A.M. performed the confocal imaging of the FITCD clearance via MLVs. I.A., A.Kh., A.E. and I.B. analyzed the BBB permeability using SFA. A.S., A.K. and A.F. prepared fluorescent macrophages. A.K. and L.V. investigated the lymphatic permeability to fluorescent macrophages. E.R., S.S. and N.L. studied LS-mediated effects on the lymphatic clearing function. All authors discussed the results and commented on the manuscript text.


    • Oxana Semyachkina-Glushkovskaya is professor and head of chair of Physiology of Human and Animals in Saratov State University, Russia. Her research interests are focused on the study of anatomy and physiology of the cerebral blood and lymphatic vessels as well as and the application in practical medicine the novel technologies for prognosis and treatment of brain diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, stroke and brain trauma gliomas.

    • Arkady Abdurashitov is a PhD student of National Research Saratov State University at the department of Optics and Biophotonics. His fields of interest are coherent optics, computational optics, laser speckle contrast imaging, optical coherence tomography and light interaction with the microstructured polymers.

    • Maria Klimova is a master student of chair of Physiology of Human and Animals in Saratov State University, Russia. Research interests are drainage function of meningeal lymphatic system, optical monitoring of brain clearance, assessment of BBB permeability and photobiomodulation as noninvasive therapy for Alzheimer's disease.

    • Alexander Dubrovsky is a student of chair of Optics and Biophotonics and a lab assistant at Saratov State University, Russia. His interests are tissue imaging, optical coherence tomography, light sheet fluorescence microscopy and electroencephalography.

    • Alexander Shirokov is PhD, Dr. Biol. Sci., Associate Professor, senior researcher Laboratory of Immunochemistry, Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Plants and Microorganisms of the Russian Academy of Sciences. His research interests are concentrated in the field of physiology and pathophysiology of blood-brain barrier and vascular barriers of peripheral tissues, noninvasive methods for drug brain delivery, optical approaches for the study of blood-brain disruption; focuses on biomolecular ligand functionalization and biomedical applications of nanoparticles and their application in modern nanobiotechnology for bioimaging, photothermal therapy and diagnostics.

    • Alexander Fomin is PhD, researcher Laboratory of Immunochemistry, senior engineer of the CKP "Symbiosis," Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Plants and Microorganisms of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia. His research focuses on immunochemical methodology using the unique physicochemical and biochemical properties of gold nanoparticles and their bioconjugates.

    • Andrey Terskov is a PhD student of Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Plants and Microorganisms of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He took an active part in the scientific discussion of the problem of malignant brain formations. Andrei's interests are related to the development and treatment of brain tumors with the help of photodynamic therapy.

    • Ilana Agranovich is a PhD student in human and animals physiology Department of biology faculty in Saratov State University Russia. Her research interests are focused on the study of nature of stress and development of stress-related diseases and the application in practical medicine the novel optical and mathematical technologies for prognosis and treatment of social important stress-induced diseases.

    • Aysel Mamedova is a PhD student of Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Plants and Microorganisms of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Research interests are rain clearing from the blood after hemorrhages, assessment of blood-brain barrier permeability after photodynamic therapy and sound-induced treatment of mice after stroke.

    • Aleksandr Khorovodov is a PhD student of chair of Physiology of Human and Animals in Saratov State University, Russia. He has taken an active participation in scientific discussion of gastric stomach development problem and has offered original ideas to solve some experimental issues. His interests are belonging to stomach cancer treatment and development. At present, his research interests are focused on the study of risk factors which leads to transformation of peptic ulcer into a gastric cancer.

    • Valeria Vinnik is a student and lab assistant of chair of Physiology of Human and Animals in Saratov State University, Russia. Her research interests are focused on the study the lymphatic system in the brain.

    • Inna Blokhina is a student and laboratory assistant of chair of Physiology of Human and Animals in Saratov State University, Russia. At present, her research interests are focused on the study of risk a brain cancer.

    • Nikita Lezhnev is laboratory assistant at the Department of Human and Animal Physiology of the Saratov State Research University, Russia. His scientific interest is related to the study at the cellular level of malignant glioma, as well as methods of combating a highly invasive tumor.

    • Ali E. Shareef is a PhD student in human and animals physiology Department of biology faculty in Saratov State University since 2015. He received his MSc degree in Zoology Tikrit University in Iraq at 2002. His current research activities are in the field of biomedical imaging, laser based blood flow measurements, super resolution microscopy, micro anemometry and optical micromanipulation.

    • Anna Kuzmina is a student and laboratory assistant of chair Human and Animal Physiology, Saratov State University, Russia. Scientific activity is associated with the study of the lymphatic system exposed to various factors and the opening of the blood-brain barrier.

    • Sergey Sokolovski is Assoc. Prof., Dr. Dr Engineering & Applied Science Senior Research Fellow, Aston Institute of Photonics Technology (AIPT). Research Interests is Biophysics, Biophotonics and Photobiology.

    • Valery Tuchin is a Professor and Head of Optics and Biophotonics at Saratov National Research State University and several other universities and institutions. His research interests include tissue optics, laser medicine, tissue optical clearing and nanobiophotonics. He is a fellow of SPIE and OSA, has been awarded Honored Science Worker of the Russia, SPIE Educator Award, FiDiPro (Finland), Chime Bell Prize of Hubei Province (China) and Joseph W. Goodman Book Writing Award (OSA/SPIE)

    • Edik Rafailov is Professor of Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies UK. His current research interests include high-power CW, ultrashort-pulse lasers; generation of UV/visible/IR/MIR and THz radiation, nanostructures; nonlinear and integrated optics and Biomedical Photonics.

    • Jürgen Kurths is a German physicist and mathematician. His research is mainly concerned with nonlinear physics and complex systems sciences and their applications to challenging problems in Earth system, physiology, systems biology and engineering.