Photobiomodulation rescues cognitive flexibility in early stressed subjects


Neglectful parenting is one of the most prevalent forms of child mistreatment. This early life stress leads to long-term alterations in all the psychological domains, as well as brain alterations. Animal models have been developed to emulate and further study this early life stress, and one of most widely used models is maternal separation. In both human and animal models, cognitive flexibility has been found to be altered. In this study, we performed maternal separation (10 days, 4 h per day) in rats, and in adulthood, we tested their spatial navigation and cognitive flexibility. In addition, we delivered photobiomodulation treatment (Low-level light therapy: 1064 nm, 30 mW, 60 cycles) on the rats' brains, and we tested energy oxidative metabolism using cytochrome c oxidase histochemistry. Early life stress delivered in the form of maternal separation on the first 10 postnatal days leads to cognitive flexibility impairment and a general increase in energy metabolism in adulthood. Low-level light therapy seems to be useful for treating these unwanted outcomes, because it rescued cognitive flexibility and returned the oxidative energy metabolism to balanced scores, without harming controls' brains or behavior. Photobiomodulation is a promising tool in the treatment of chronic stress-related consequences because it rescued cognitive flexibility.

Keywords: Cognitive flexibility; Cytochrome c oxidase; Early life stress; Low-level light therapy; Maternal separation; Photobiomodulation.