NIR-II light therapy improves cognitive performance in MPTP induced Parkinson's disease rat models: A preliminary experimental study


Cognitive impairment is an important component of non motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease (PD), and if not addressed in a timely manner, it can easily progress to dementia. However, no effective method currently exists to completely prevent or reverse cognitive impairment associated with PD. We therefore aimed to investigate the therapeutic effect of near-infrared region II light (NIR-II) region illumination on cognitive impairment in PD through behavioral experiments (water maze and rotary rod) and multiple fluorescence immunohistochemistry techniques. The 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1, 2, 3, 6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP)-induced group was compared with the MPTP- untreated rat group, showing a significant reduction in escape latency and significant increase in the fall latency in the MPTP-treated group. The horizontal analysis results indicated that NIR-II phototherapy improved the learning and cognitive abilities as well as coordination and balance abilities of rats. Post-treatment, the MPTP rats showed significantly shortened, escape latency, prolonged target quadrant residence time, and prolonged fall latency compared with pre-treatment. The longitudinal analysis results reaffirmed that NIR-II phototherapy improved the learning and cognitive abilities as well as coordination and balance abilities of rats. The multiple fluorescence immunohistochemistry analysis trend plot showed that the activated microglia and astrocytes in the hippocampus were highest in MPTP-induced PD untreated group, moderate in MPTP-induced PD treatment group, and lowest in the control group. Our data indicates that NIR-II illumination improves learning and cognitive impairment as well as coordination and balance abilities in PD rats by downregulating the activation of microglia and astrocytes in the hippocampus.

Keywords: Behavior analysis; Cognitive impairment; MPTP; Multiplex immunohistochemistry; Parkinson's disease.