Influence of low level laser irradiation on biochemical processes in brainstem and cortex of intact rabbits


The influence of low level laser (LLL) irradiation at wavelength at 660 and 904 nm on oxidative stress (lipid peroxidation activity-LP, production of superoxide anion radicals-NBT reduction), activity of enzymes of antioxidative defense (superoxide dismutase-SOD, glutathione reductase-GR) and functional activity of sodium pump (Na+K+ ATPase) in relation with applied wavelength of LLL was investigated. The investigation was performed at the adult rabbits (n = 21) classificated in three groups: control group (C), the group of rabbits irradiated with LLL wavelength 904 nm (CL1) and the group of rabbits irradiated with LLL wavelength 660 nm (CL2). The irradiation was performed in the upper cervical region in the anatomical projection of the brainstem. It was established that LLL induced oxidative stress in the brainstem and the cortex of treated rabbits, independently of applied wavelength of laser beams. The registrated changes in functional activity of sodium pump were dependent on the applied wavelength. The irradiation at 904 nm caused the significant increase of the substrate uptake rate of sodium pump in the brainstem tissue. The irradiation at 660 nm caused the "competitive inhibition" of the sodium pump. Decrease of norepinefrine content in the brainstem of treated rabbits pointed on the indirect mechanism of functional activity of sodium pump as well as the oxidative stress.