Effects of photobiomodulation on auriculotherapy points for sleep disorders, anxiety, and temporomandibular dysfunctions


Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluatephotobiomodulation applied at auriculotherapy points forsleep disorder (SD) and anxiety related to temporomandibulardysfunction (TMD).

Methods: The study consisted of two groups of 20 participants: Auriculotherapy group (A) and Control Group(C). The participants responded to the RDC/TMD, Fletcher & Luckett questionnaires, and the Beck Anxiety Inventory to analyze TMD, SD, and anxiety before and after the treatment.

Results: The participants presented scores corresponding to mild to moderateanxiety (MDN = 17; CI = [13.16;22.31]) and after treatment, normalor non-existent anxiety (MDN = 9; CI = [8.76; 17.12]) (p = 0.005). There was no significant difference (p > 0.05) between the controland 20 auriculotherapy groups for TMD and SD.

Discussion: The results suggest that auriculotherapy was effective in the treatment of anxiety. However, it did not prove effective with the results of the SD and symptoms of TMD.

Keywords: Photobiomodulation; anxiety; auriculotherapy; sleep disorders; temporomandibular dysfunctions.