Effect of infrared laser irradiation on amino acid neurotransmitters in an epileptic animal model induced by pilocarpine


Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of daily laser irradiation on the levels of amino acid neurotransmitters in the cortex and hippocampus in an epileptic animal model induced by pilocarpine.

Background data: It has been claimed that at specific wavelengths and energy densities, laser irradiation is a novel and useful tool for the treatment of peripheral and central nervous system injuries and disorders.

Materials and methods: Adult male albino rats were divided into three groups: control rats, pilocarpinized rats (epileptic animal model), and pilocarpinized rats treated daily with laser irradiation (90 mW at 830 nm) for 7 d. The following parameters were assayed in cortex and hippocampus: amino acid neurotransmitters (excitatory: glutamic acid and aspartate; and inhibitory: gamma-aminobutyric acid [GABA], glycine, and taurine) by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), glucose content, and the activity of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST), using a spectrophotometer.

Results: Significant increases in the concentrations of glutamic acid, glutamine, glycine, and taurine were recorded in the cortices of pilocarpinized rats, and they returned to initial levels after laser treatment. In the hippocampus, a moderate increase in aspartate accompanied by a significant increase in glycine were observed in the epileptic animal model, and these dropped to near-control values after laser treatment. In addition, a significant increase in cortical AST activity and a significant decrease in ALT activity and glucose content were obtained in the pilocarpinized animals and pilocarpinized rats treated with laser irradiation. In the hippocampus, significant decreases in the activity of AST and ALT and glucose content were recorded in the epileptic animals and in the epileptic animals treated with laser irradiation.

Conclusion: Based on the results obtained in this study, it may be suggested that nearinfrared laser irradiation may reverse the neurochemical changes in amino acid neurotransmitters induced by