Can mild cognitive impairment be stabilized by showering brain mitochondria with laser photons?


There is now substantial evidence that cerebral blood flow (CBF) declines with age. From age 20 to 60, CBF is estimated to dip about 16% and continues to drop at a rate of 0.4%/year. This CBF dip will slowly reduce oxygen/glucose delivery to brain thus lowering ATP energy production needed by brain cells to perform normal activities. Reduced ATP production from mitochondrial loss or damage in the wear-and-tear of aging worsens when vascular risk factors (VRF) to Alzheimer's disease develop that can accelerate both age-decline CBF and mitochondrial deficiency to a level where mild cognitive impairment (MCI) develops. To date, no pharmacological or any other treatment has been successful in reversing, stabilizing or delaying MCI. For the first time in medical interventions, a non-pharmacological, non-invasive, well-tolerated, easy to perform, free of significant side effects and cost-effective treatment may achieve what virtually all AD treatments in the past have been unable to accomplish. This intervention uses transcranial infrared brain stimulation (TIBS), a form of photobiomodulation (PBM). PBM is a bioenergetic non-ionizing, therapeutic approach using low level light emission from laser or light emitting diodes. PBM has been used in a number of neurological conditions including Parkinson's disease, depression, traumatic brain injury, and stroke with diverse reported benefits. This brief review examines the impact of reduced energy supply stemming from chronic brain hypoperfusion in the aging brain. In this context, the use of TIBS is planned in a randomized, placebo-controlled study of MCI patients to be done at our University Clinic. This article is part of the special issue entitled 'The Quest for Disease-Modifying Therapies for Neurodegenerative Disorders'.

Keywords: ATP; Alzheimer's disease; Axonal transport; Cerebral blood flow; Chronic brain hypoperfusion; Laser; Mild cognitive impairment; Neuronal energy; Photobiomodulation; Transcranial infrared brain stimulation.