How Can You Use Red Light Therapy to Augment Your Self-Care?

How Can You Use Red Light Therapy to Augment Your Self-Care?

Authored By Benjamin Caleb Williams

The potential benefits of red light therapy are gaining increasing recognition by mainstream experts. Now used in dermatology offices, beauty spas, and similar businesses, this relatively new therapy is growing in popularity.

While the buzz around red light therapy continues to grow, many people wonder how they can use it in their own personal self-care. Almost anyone can use red light therapy; however, understanding what benefits you want to achieve and the best way to apply red light therapy to achieve those benefits is essential for your overall success. By understanding how to use red light therapy, you will be ready to augment your self-care and improve your health.

The Role of Red Light Therapy in Natural Health

Natural health emphasizes the importance and benefit of using health interventions that occur naturally and could be obtained by non-synthetic means. Red light therapy is popular amongst those interested in natural health. It is a non-invasive option and is found in nature, especially in sunlight, both early and late in the day. 

Sunlight exposure is ideal, however, as society has moved more indoors, consistent exposure to sunlight is more difficult. Red light from sunlight is also weather-dependent and it is impossible to completely control the intensity or exposure to sunlight without also increasing the risk of the harmful ultraviolet rays it produces.

The Science of Red Light and Health

While red light therapy is considered very natural, it is also backed by a growing body of scientific research. Scientists believe that red light therapy works due to the effect it has on mitochondria, tiny subcellular organs. A chemical in the mitochondria, called cytochrome C oxidase, plays an essential role in mitochondria function. Cytochrome C oxidase is highly sensitive to the red and infrared wavelengths of light used in red light therapy. By stimulating cytochrome C oxidase, red light therapy appears to improve mitochondrial function and enhance energy production in cells, ultimately causing its effects.

By targeting cellular health, red light therapy can influence a range of bodily functions, supporting systemic balance and wellness. This therapy aligns with the natural approach by addressing the root causes of discomfort and imbalance rather than just symptoms. Its broad-reaching effects can lead to enhanced mood, better sleep, and a stronger sense of vitality, all crucial goals of a natural, holistic health strategy.

The Many Applications of Red Light Therapy

The versatility of red light therapy lies in its wide range of applications, each addressing different aspects of health and wellness. From skin health to cognitive function, this therapy offers a multifaceted approach to self-care.

Skin Health

Red light therapy is revolutionizing how people think about skincare. Research suggests that red light therapy has several effects that improve skin health. Red light therapy improves collagen production, collagen being the most important protein in providing the skin with its elasticity and fullness. Boosting collagen is key to reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, giving the skin a more youthful and vibrant look. 

Additionally, red light therapy can also improve skin tone and texture by promoting circulation and reducing inflammation, which can alleviate symptoms of various skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea. Unlike traditional skin care treatments that rely on harsh chemicals or invasive procedures, red light therapy offers a natural, gentle alternative. 

Red light therapy is also known to improve the speed at which wound healing occurs, increasing the speed with which cells rejuvenate. This helps wounds and blemishes to heal more quickly, potentially even smoothing out skin discoloration. Red light therapy is particularly beneficial for sensitive skin types that cannot tolerate aggressive treatments. Regular use can lead to healthier, clearer, and more resilient skin.

Joint Pain

For those suffering from joint pain, including chronic conditions like arthritis, red light therapy emerges as a promising tool that can complement your pain management strategies. Red and infrared wavelengths of light penetrate deep into the tissues, reducing inflammation at the source. Red light is believed to have an anti-inflammatory effect, a crucial factor for alleviating pain and discomfort associated with joint issues. 

In addition to suppressing inflammation, red light therapy can also enhance blood circulation around the joints, which helps in the repair and regeneration of tissues, ultimately promoting joint health and mobility. Its non-pharmacological nature is a significant advantage for individuals seeking ways to reduce the use of conventional pain medications, which often come with side effects. Regular sessions can help manage symptoms and improve the quality of life for those dealing with joint pain.


Red light therapy's role in enhancing sleep quality is increasingly recognized in research. Exposure to red light before bedtime can help regulate the body's circadian rhythms, optimizing the natural sleep-wake cycle. This regulation can be particularly beneficial for individuals with disrupted sleep patterns, such as shift workers or those experiencing jet lag. Red light therapy may also be an ideal complement to other sleep aids for those who struggle with insomnia. As a drug-free way to encourage restful sleep, it can play an important role in overall health and well-being.

Cognitive Health

Cognitive health, an important aspect of overall well-being, may be improved through red light therapy. The therapy is believed to improve the energy production of brain cells and circulation in the brain, potentially enhancing cognitive function. This may lead to benefits in mental clarity, focus, and memory recall. 

Studies of the brain have primarily examined the effects of red light therapy on those with traumatic brain injury or stroke, showing promise in enhancing cognitive performance. While further research is necessary, it could be particularly beneficial for aging populations and those at risk of cognitive decline, offering a simple and non-invasive method to maintain cognitive health.

Hair Growth

Red light therapy has long been a promising solution for hair loss, a concern for many individuals. It is thought to stimulate hair follicles, promoting hair growth at a cellular level and protecting hair follicles that are at risk of decline in function. 

The primary benefit is thought to be stimulation that increases blood flow to the scalp, bringing more nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles, which can reverse the thinning of hair and encourage new growth. This non-invasive therapy is ideal for those seeking an alternative to hair transplant surgeries or chemical-laden hair growth products. It also can be used to complement other hair growth interventions. Regular use may help lead to thicker, fuller hair, boosting your confidence and self-esteem.

Muscle Performance

For athletes and fitness enthusiasts, red light therapy is a valuable tool for enhancing muscle recovery and performance. Several studies have shown that it can help reduce muscle fatigue and soreness by promoting circulation and reducing the time it takes for muscle to heal after a workout. This faster recovery allows for more frequent and intense training sessions. 

Red light therapy has been used to improve muscle strength and endurance, contributing to better overall athletic performance. Whether you're a professional athlete or a fitness enthusiast, incorporating red light therapy into your training routine may help you achieve your physical performance goals more efficiently.

How to Integrate Red Light Therapy into Your Self-Care Routine

Incorporating red light therapy into your daily self-care routine can be seamless and rewarding. Because using red light therapy is a passive activity, you may be able to use it while simultaneously doing another self-care activity, like yoga, meditation, or working out. Consistency is key; regular use helps maximize the benefits, making it an integral part of your wellness journey.

When integrating red light therapy, consider timing and environment. A calm, relaxed setting enhances the therapeutic experience. You might find it most beneficial in the morning to energize your day or in the evening to unwind. Some initial things to consider when integrating it into your day include:

  • Setting aside 10-20 minutes where you can use red light therapy, either on its own or in combination with another activity.
  • Have a comfortable, quiet space to use red light therapy.
  • Ensure the area where you apply red light therapy is uncovered and free of lotions or other skin products.
  • Be consistent for best results.

Choosing the Right Red Light Therapy Options

Selecting the best red light therapy product is crucial to your long-term success. While you can get red light therapy from someone else, like a spa or dermatologist, getting your own red light therapy panel is the best option for those wanting to make it a part of their regular, at-home routine.

When choosing a red light therapy panel, consider factors like wavelength, intensity, size of the device, and reputation of the manufacturer. A panel that offers both red and near-infrared light is best, as it provides a comprehensive range of benefits. It's essential to choose a high-quality, well-reviewed product to ensure safety and efficacy.

Mito Red Light

Red light therapy presents a unique way to enhance your self-care routine in a natural, effective manner. Its wide range of applications and ease of integration make it an attractive option for anyone looking to improve their overall health and well-being. Whether you're dealing with specific health concerns or simply seeking to maintain optimal wellness, red light therapy is a valuable tool to consider.

At Mito Red Light, we provide the highest quality red light therapy products, designed specifically to help you augment your self-care as easily and effectively as possible. We welcome you to review our selection of high-quality products or to contact one of our helpful representatives at 1-866-861-6486(MITO).

DISCLAIMERMito Red Light devices are not clinically proven to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical conditions. Mito Red Light devices are Class II general wellness devices aimed at affecting the body through topical heating and supporting cellular function. The scientific studies referenced in this article are for informational purposes only. To see a list of precautionary warnings and contraindications, click here.