Mito Red Light Blog

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Safety profile of transcranial near-infrared laser therapy administered in combination with thrombolytic therapy to embolized rabbits

Background and purpose: Transcranial near-infrared laser therapy (TLT) is currently under investigation in a pivotal clinical trial that excludes thrombolytic therapy....
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Transcranial near infrared laser treatment (NILT) increases cortical adenosine-5'-triphosphate (ATP) content following embolic strokes in rabbits

Transcranial near infrared laser therapy (NILT) improves behavioral outcome following embolic strokes in embolized rabbits and clinical rating scores in...
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Effect of 710-nm visible light irradiation on neuroprotection and immune function after stroke

Objective: The phototherapeutic effects of low level infrared laser irradiation (808 nm) on brain neuronal cell protection after stroke have been...
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Low-level laser stimulation on adipose-tissue-derived stem cell treatments for focal cerebral ischemia in rats

This study investigated the effects of large-area irradiation from a low-level laser on the proliferation and differentiation of i-ADSCs in...
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Incremental treatments with laser therapy augments good behavioral outcome in the rabbit small clot embolic stroke model

Transcranial near-infrared laser therapy (TLT) improves behavioral outcome in animal stroke models when applied as single treatment within the 24...
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660 nm red light-enhanced bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell transplantation for hypoxic-ischemic brain damage treatment

Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell transplantation is an effective treatment for neonatal hypoxic-ischemic brain damage. However, the in vivo transplantation...
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Neuroimmunomodulatory effects of transcranial laser therapy combined with intravenous tPA administration for acute cerebral ischemic injury

At present, the only FDA approved treatment for ischemic strokes is intravenous administration of tissue plasminogen activator within 4.5 hours...
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Transcranial Near-Infrared Laser Therapy for Stroke: How to Recover from Futility in the NEST-3 Clinical Trial

Development of drugs and devices for the treatment of stroke is not exempt from current translational research standards, which include...
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Pre-conditioning with transcranial low-level light therapy reduces neuroinflammation and protects blood-brain barrier after focal cerebral ischemia in mice

Purpose: Transcranial low-level light therapy (LLLT) has gained interest as a non-invasive, inexpensive and safe method of modulating neurological and psychological...
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Dose-finding study of phototherapy on stroke outcome in a rabbit model of ischemic stroke

Goal: While transcranial laser therapy (TLT) has been shown to improve clinical outcome in a preclinical model of ischemic stroke, optimal...
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Low-level light emitting diode (LED) therapy suppresses inflammasome-mediated brain damage in experimental ischemic stroke

Use of photostimulation including low-level light emitting diode (LED) therapy has broadened greatly in recent years because it is compact,...
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Pretreatment with light-emitting diode therapy reduces ischemic brain injury in mice through endothelial nitric oxide synthase-dependent mechanisms

Photostimulation with low-level light emitting diode therapy (LED-T) modulates neurological and psychological functions. The purpose of this study was to...
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