Extending the range of use of the heterologous fibrin biopolymer, this pre-clinical study showed a new proportionality of its components directed to the formation of scaffold with a lower density of the resulting mesh to facilitate the infiltration of bone cells, and combined with therapy by laser photobiomodulation, in order to accelerate the repair process and decrease the morphofunctional recovery time. Thus, a transoperative protocol of laser photobiomodulation (L) was evaluated in critical bone defects filled with deproteinized bovine bone particles (P) associated with heterologous fibrin biopolymer (HF). The groups were: BCL (blood clot + laser); HF; HFL; PHF (P+HF); PHFL (P+HF+L). Microtomographically, bone volume (BV) at 14 days, was higher in the PHF and PHFL groups (10.45 ± 3.31 mm3 and 9.94 ± 1.51 mm3), significantly increasing in the BCL, HFL and PHFL groups. Histologically, in all experimental groups, the defects were not reestablished either in the external cortical bone or in the epidural, occurring only in partial bone repair.