Mito Red Light Blog

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Irradiation at 830 nm stimulates nitric oxide production and inhibits pro-inflammatory cytokines in diabetic wounded fibroblast cells

Background and objective: Wound healing in diabetic patients remains a chief problem in the clinical setting and there is a strong...
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Increase in the nitric oxide release without changes in cell viability of macrophages after laser therapy with 660 and 808 nm lasers

The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) with different parameters and wavelengths...
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Photobiomodulation induces in vitro re-epithelialization via nitric oxide production

Photobiomodulation is a widely used tool in regenerative medicine thanks to its ability to modulate a plethora of physiological responses....
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Effects of Laser Radiation on Mitochondria and Mitochondrial Proteins Subjected to Nitric Oxide

The biological roles of heme and nonheme nitrosyl complexes in physiological and pathophysiological conditions as metabolic key players are considered...
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Ascorbate attenuates red light mediated vasodilation: Potential role of S-nitrosothiols

There is significant therapeutic advantage of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) independent nitric oxide (NO) production in maladies where endothelium, and...
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Erythrocytic bioactivation of nitrite and its potentiation by far-red light

Background: Nitrite is reduced by heme-proteins and molybdenum-containing enzymes to form the important signaling molecule nitric oxide (NO), mediating NO signaling....
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Blue light (λ=453 nm) nitric oxide dependently induces β-endorphin production of human skin keratinocytes in-vitro and increases systemic β-endorphin levels in humans in-vivo

β-Endorphin exerts a broad spectrum of physiological activity on mood, immune functions, pain management, reward effects, and behavioral stability. β-Endorphin...
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Light-induced nitric oxide release in the skin beyond UVA and blue light: Red & near-infrared wavelengths

Nitric oxide (NO) is omnipresent in the body and synthesized by 3 isoenzymes (nNOS, eNOS and iNOS), all detected in...
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Near-infrared II photobiomodulation augments nitric oxide bioavailability via phosphorylation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase

There is solid evidence of the beneficial effect of photobiomodulation (PBM) with low-power near-infrared (NIR) light in the NIR-I window...
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Photobiomodulation and nitric oxide signaling

Nitric oxide (NO) is a well-known gaseous mediator that maintains vascular homeostasis. Extensive evidence supports that a hallmark of endothelial...
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Low level laser irradiation stimulates mitochondrial membrane potential and disperses subnuclear promyelocytic leukemia protein

Background and objectives: Low level laser irradiation (LLLI) is used to promote wound healing. Molecularly it is known to stimulate mitochondrial...
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Induction of primitive pigment cell differentiation by visible light (helium-neon laser): a photoacceptor-specific response not replicable by UVB irradiation

Solar lights encompass ultraviolet (UV), visible, and infrared spectrum. Most previous studies focused on the harmful UV effects, and the...
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